Upsetting day? Tips to Unwind

As a social worker and human being, I have defiantly had my  fair share of upsetting days. There are days where I come home and just want to crawl up in a ball in cry. However, while earning my graduate degree, my teachers taught me the importance of unwinding after a upsetting day. Without my teachers advice, I would probably be a basket case right now, so I have decided to share my tips with you guys!

1. Take a Bubble Bath

 I have loved taking bubble baths ever since I was little. As a person who is always cold, I love nothing more than getting in a hot bath during cold months. In the last year, I discovered the brand Lush, and it has been life changing for me. For those of you who do not know, Lush is a brand that focuses on creating mood altering bath products as well as other things. While the brand is a little pricey, I would say that it is defiantly worth the price as they strive to have organic and vegan products! Two of my favorite products from Lush for unwinding are the Comforter shower gel and Don’t Rain on my Parade shower gel. The Comforter shower gel makes me feel like I am being wrapped in a warm hug and features vanilla and cassis absolute. The Don’t rain on my Parade shower gel was created to help lighten your moods after a rough day and it features blueberry and violet. While it states that it is a shower gel, putting it in the tub will create a bubble bath. When I first started shopping at Lush, I bought the bath bombs, but I have found these to be much more cost affective! Let me know what your favorite Lush products are below!      


2. Exercise

After a really stressful day, I find it beneficial to do a exercise of some sort. Exercising helps release all of the tension and stress that you have built up throughout the day, while also releasing endorphins, which will help brighten your mood! When I was in college, I would try and go for a run on the treadmill and I always found that it helped me feel better. However, know I will be honest and say that I am defiantly not as in shape as I used to be, so I have resorted to Yoga, which still kicks my A**, but is a easier on my little lungs. I try to do atleast 20 minutes of yoga at the end of the day as I have found that it helps my muscles and joints unwind. Share your favorite exercise reutines below!

3. Talk with Loved Ones

I am so fortunate to have so many people in my life that are willing to listen to me after I have had a rough day. For example, I live with my boyfriend and he is always there for me to talk to after a bad day. Often times, we do not want to bother the ones we love most with what is going on in our lives, because we know that their lives are stressful as well. However, talking with people is one way to help let go of what has happened and they may even help you see some good in your bad day. Honestly, if it wasn’t for my boyfriend, friends, and family, I would not have made it through school. Share a few of your biggest supporters below!

4. Write it Down

I often find that when I can not share how I am feeling with others, I benefit from writing it down. One of my favorite journals of all time is the Rate Your Day journal. It is a three year journal that has you rate how you felt each day and write a small blurb about it. I find this to beneficial because it really makes you think about how your day was and it allows you to see if you have any patterns. For example, maybe there is a toxic person in your life or your job may be ruining your happiness. Let me know what your favorite journal is below!

5. Read a Book

Another great way to unwind is by reading a book. There is no other way to put yourself in a alternate universe besides reading a great book. I recommend turning your phone off, grabbing a nice cup of hot beverage, a blanket, and unwinding on the couch. Currently, I am reading The  Handmaid’s Tale. I absolutely fell IN LOVE with the hulu series and we all know that reading the book is better than the remake! For those of you who are avid readers I recommend looking in to kindle unlimited! Let me know what book you are currently reading below!
I hope these tips help you guys unwind in someway, and if you have any others tips please comment them below!

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